tamara piec tamara piec


fermentation and health and wellness

How about preserving the harvest via fermenting your produce in season, and increase its nutritional value by adding lots of beneficial bacteria that help heal our guts and tummies? Sounds like it makes sense to us!

Things we make a lot of include; Kimchi, sauerkraut, kraut from radish, turnips and beets, pickled limes or lemons with spices. We use these foods in all different sorts of ways for your catering and put in our own salads or side dishes or sandwiches!

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tamara piec tamara piec

vegetable patch..

It all begins with an idea.

what are we growing currently on the home front?


Recent plantings include broad beans, shallots, garlic, red cabbage, cime de rapi and romanesco. We are about to plant seeds for tomatoes, pumpkins, eggplants, zucchini and leafy greens including lettuce varieties.

greengage plum blossoms

greengage plum blossoms

Last summer we grew tomatoes and produced our own passata. We aim to grow more sauce tomatoes this season to increase our own homegrown passata store.

whatever we grow we use in our catering, its the best feeling!

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tamara piec tamara piec


It all begins with an idea.

Retreat catering has become a regular feature of what we do here at moongarden headquarters. We started with yoga retreats and providing snacks during break time, progressing to lunches and grazing tables and also dinners. We now also cater for wellness events which encompass an all day retreat or a few days to a week long retreat, or a film shoot or gym lunch.

The food is important because the focus is either wellness, wellbeing or nutrition, and so we provide locally grown and seasonal produce and also organically grown. Food grown in season has more nutrient content and is better for us and has travelled less food miles.

Personally i shop for predominantly locally grown and organic and biodynamic produce. It is a part of my ethos and also my desire to operate in a more sustainable fashion becasue everything we do matters.

You can be confident in trusting that the food we produce has a minimum of food miles to get to your plate and therefore relies less on fossil fuels. You can be confident that we operate a model of closed loop business in that whatever food waste we have is composted and or fed to our chickens and worms. All plastic is reduced by using local business that also support this model of operation, and if it cannot be avoided it is recycled or reused by us.

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